Thursday, January 9, 2025

Free Alarm Clock 5.3 has been released

  • Improved: The alarm window now functions independently from other application windows. Closing the alarm window will not activate the main application window if it wasn’t active beforehand.
  • Fixed: The issue causing the program icon to disappear from the system tray has been fixed.
  • Fixed: Resolved an issue with handling certain system date and time formats.
  • Fixed: Addressed an issue when the Windows "Use high contrast" setting is applied.
  • Some other bug fixes and improvements.
Download Free Alarm Clock

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Free Alarm Clock 5.2 has been released

  • Improved: When the program starts, the main window remains hidden if it was hidden the last time the program was exited.
  • Improved: The audio slider is hidden if the "Turn on the volume" setting is unchecked because the program changes the volume level for the system.
  • Improved: The format of the overdue time label in the alert window has been changed.
  • Improved: Language resources for the days of the week have been added to the language files.
  • Improved: Some interface languages have been corrected.
  • Fixed: The list of days for the weekly alarm was displayed incorrectly for Asian languages.
  • Fixed: The program created an empty folder in C:\Users\(User)\AppData\Roaming
  • Some other bug fixes and improvements.
Download Free Alarm Clock

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Free Alarm Clock 5.1 has been released

  • Improved: Missed alerts are displayed in the reminder window.
  • Now, when the "Show message" setting is turned off, the notification window does not disappear 30 seconds after it appears and the sound does not stop playing.
  • Corrected the Greek interface language.
  • Fixed: The online alarm website did not open correctly when using emoji.
Download Free Alarm Clock

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Free Alarm Clock 5.0 has been released

  • Improved: The design of the application has been updated. A new dark theme has been added. The application icons have been changed.
  • A new ability to set the type of alarm clock has been added: One Time, Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly.
  • A new setting has been added to arrange the alarm list by Time, Label, or Next alarm time.
  • New sounds have been added, some sounds have been renamed.
  • New: Translations of the user interface into 5 languages: Hindi, Norwegian Bokmål, Persian, Kurdish and Estonian.
  • New request and warning forms with the ability to cancel the reappearance of the form has been added.
  • A new "Open Online Alarm Clock" button has been added.
  • Improved: The behavior of the "Date" field for a one-time alarm has been changed:
    • If the date is not set or it was set for today, tomorrow, or for the past date, then the alarm will go off today or tomorrow, depending on the alarm time.
    • If the date is set for the day after tomorrow or later, the specified date is used for the alarm.
  • Improved: When you add a new alarm, the sound name and volume are set to the same as the last time you edited the sound settings.
  • Improved: If you decrease the height of the floating window, only the time and date are displayed.
  • Improved: The OK/Close button in the reminders window is focused by default, but the reminders window itself does not become active when it appears to avoid accidentally closing it.
  • Improved: If for some reason the sound could not play, the system beep starts playing.
  • Improved: When the "Always on top" option is enabled, the caption of the main window is reduced and the program icon is removed from the taskbar.
  • Improved: Translation of sounds into other languages has been added.
  • Improved user interface translation in some languages (especially Asian languages).
  • Improved: The work of the program on High DPI screens has been improved and fixed.
  • Improved: An additional check has been added that prohibits the launch of multiple instances of the program.
  • Improved: In Windows 7 and above, when playing the sound of the alarm, all sounds are muted and music playback is paused, if the "Turn on the volume" option is checked.
  • Fixed: In Windows 10, the notification message disappeared after a few seconds and the music stopped.
  • Fixed: The year in the caption of window was incorrectly displayed when setting the alarm: 2121 instead of 2021.
  • Fixed: When switching to winter time and moving the clock back one hour, alerts were triggered again.
  • Fixed a bug with resetting the position of the floating window when working with multiple screens.
  • Lots of other fixes and improvements.
Download Free Alarm Clock

Monday, December 14, 2015

Free Alarm Clock 4.0 has been released

  • Free Alarm Clock now has full Unicode support.
  • New "Skip next alarm" option has been added to alarm clocks.
  • New command line parameter /ADDALARM has been added. This parameter opens the new alarm window.
  • New: 6 alarm sounds have been added.
  • New: Translations of the UI into Greek and Indonesian languages.
  • Improved Windows 10 Compatibility.
  • Improved: The reminder window shows the snooze time on the snooze button.
  • Improved: Now Free Alarm Clock has a modern date picker.
  • Improved: The caption of the alarm window shows the alarm time.
  • Fixed: Sometimes the alarm event did not bring the reminder window to the foreground in Windows 8 and above.
  • Fixed: Now you can't close the floating clock using the Alt+F4 hotkey.
  • Fixed: If you used the ampersand character (&) in the label for an alarm event, "_" was displayed instead of "&" when the reminder window popped up for that event.
  • Some other fixes and improvements.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Free Alarm Clock 3.1 has been released

  • Improved DPI Scaling support.
  • Improved volume control behavior.
  • Fixed issue with failure message "Floating point division by zero".

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Free Alarm Clock 3.0 has been released

  • New: "Play Sound Duration" option. You can define for how long to play the sound.
  • New: The "Stay on Top" option has been added for the main window.
  • New: "Cancel Snooze" command.
  • New: Support for the flac audio files has been added. Support for the wav files has been improved.
  • Fixed: Sometimes alarms not fires when the computer wakes up from a sleep mode.
  • Fixed: Issue with sorting of alarms.
  • Fixed: When an event occurs, the floating window starts flashing. It can't stop flashing when you set the "(None)" sound.
  • Fixed: Alarm kept going off even when you hit Snooze and deleted the alarm.
  • Some other bug fixes and improvements.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Free Alarm Clock 2.7 has been released

  • New: View mode "Single Line".
  • New: Shortcuts for lists: Ctrl+N, Ctrl+Enter, Ctrl+Del, Ctrl+E.
  • New: Ability to stop snooze.
  • New: Translations of the UI into Bulgarian, Serbian and Japanese languages.
  • Improved: In order to open main window from tray you need to click on icon. The second click on the tray icon hides the main window.
  • Fixed: Issue with waking up PC from a sleep mode when the first alarm doesn't have WakeUp option.
  • Fixed: Issue with daylight saving adjustment.
  • Fixed: Issue with playing sound when output device changes.
  • Fixed: Alarm balloon is visible while playing sound.
  • Fixed: Issue with storing setting.
  • Some other bug fixes and improvements.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Free Alarm Clock 2.5 has been released

Changes in version 2.5:

  • New: Ability to play a random song from a directory.
  • New: Ability to execute a command or open URL instead of playing a song.
  • New: Ability to play WAV and WMA files.
  • New: A tooltip on the taskbar as an alarm notification.
  • New: Added translations of the UI into Simplified Chinese, Romanian, Czech and Arabic languages.
  • Improved: Whenever the system time changes, the program refreshes all alarms.
  • Fixed: Sometimes the floating clock window does not re-open after restart.
  • Fixed: Issue with playing sound.
  • Fixed: Issue with daylight saving time.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Free Alarm Clock 2.3 has been released

Changes in version 2.3:

  • Added new interface languages: Swedish, Slovenian, Korean, Finnish, Hungarian, Chinese Traditional.
  • Volume control behavior has been improved for systems with several sound cards (playback devices).
  • Sound volume goes back to the default state after alarm activation.
  • Snooze alarm with a single spacebar press.
  • A new setting "Show clock in floating window" has been added.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Portable alarm clock

Do you know you can run Free Alarm Clock from USB-drive without installation?

You can carry it with you on a flash-drive and always have your alarms at hand.

Download portable Free Alarm Clock and get your alarms anywhere.

Just extract it to any folder where you want to store it and run FreeAlarmClock.exe in order to launch alarm clock.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New alarm clock version 2.2

Changes in version 2.2:
  • "Label" field has been enlarged. When the alarm rings all the text in the "Label" field is shown (if necessary the font size is decreased).
  • "Show message" option has been added. If this checkbox is unchecked, then the signal can be stopped by clicking the icon in the system tray.
  • In the alarm settings window a button has been added for stopping the sound.
  • In the alarm settings window it is possible to change the sound level using the slider.
  • The ability to set the amount of time before the alarm rings again (snooze) has been added.
  • Interface language selection has been added.
  • The ability to backup the alarm list to file and to restore from file has been added.
  • New alarm sounds have been added.
  • Added new interface languages: Polish, Catalan.
  • Fixed a bug with rendering of the main window when a large font size is used in the system.
  • Some other enhancements.

Friday, December 10, 2010

New alarm clock version 2.1

Fixed a bug: A problem getting multiple alarms to work. The first alarm works but the 2nd 3rd, etc don't work:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Free Alarm Clock 2.0

Free Alarm Clock software version 2.0 has been released.

Free Alarm Clock supports unlimited number of alarms so that you are not restricted to the number of alarms you can have.

Alarms that you set will sound even if computer goes to sleep. While your computer or notebook is sleeping and the time comes to activate your alarm, Free Alarm Clock will wake up your computer.

The alarm clock can remind you about important events by playing your favorite music and showing a notification message. You can select the sound from your music library and preset alarm volume to a proper level depending on the alarm time.

More information about alarm clock software you may find at the official web site of Free Alarm Clock software: